Elect Her
Kickstart your political journey in one day
Your leadership journey can start right now at Elect Her, where you will:
Learn about the importance of women running for office.
Develop and give an elevator speech about an issue you care about.
Map out your network and start assembling a team to help you run.
Meet elected leaders in your community.
Leave the training with a plan to run for office - now or in the future!
You can run for office right now,
no matter your age or experience.
At Elect Her, you can explore the idea of elected office
and the skills you’ll practice are transferable to any leadership opportunity.
But we think you’ll leave excited to run:
80% of Elect Her alums left their training feeling like they could run for office.
If you’re in school, student government is the
perfect place to get started.
And you’ll be in great company: more than 50% of Congresswomen and women state legislators got their start in student government. Or you can run for public office immediately!
Download a Sample Agenda
I went to college and realized I didn't have tools to make change. Running Start came and put on a training called Elect Her. It’s a daylong workshop for women who are thinking about running for office but don't really have the tools to do so. We talked about making your elevator pitch, public speaking, developing your platform-all the things that you need to do to become a successful politician. I took those tools and I ran for Student Body President, and I won!
Meghan Pearce, Alum

Since 2009, 450+ Elect Her trainings have been held with 168 partners,
in 43 states and 9 countries
for 17,500+ participants.
88% of alums who ran for office reported that Elect Her informed their campaign strategy!
Host an Elect Her training
You can bring Elect Her to your high school, college, student club, religious group or any other community organization. Download more info here.
Email electher@runningstart.org to bring Elect Her to your community.
Elect Her was developed with AAUW -
the American Association of University Women.
Thank you to our sponsor